It is now time to sign up for my Fall eight week Backyard

                Fall Eight Week Backyard Session:

                                 (Runs the week of September 10th-October 29th
                              (Built in rain make up week the week of November 5th)
                        Click on the link below to get your registration form for sign up
Tuesday (PJ and picnic dinner class) 6:00-6:45
Wed 10:00-10:45
Thurs 9:30-10:15
Thurs 10:30-11:15
Fri  10:00-10:45 

   Cost for Sept-November 8 week 2024 Fall Session  
Cost $205 for new families as includes a music/prop bag that is a one time only purchase as you will use for future sessions/Sibling discount $165 which includes the music/prop bag.  

For returning families who already purchased a bag from me the cost is $185 /sibling discount is $145